A Budget Friendly Stairway Makeover

It’s a new year, and with it comes a new project challenge. I’ve been participating in the New Year, New Room Refresh Challenge, hosted by Stephanie of Casa Watkins Living, for many years now, and it’s the kick in the butt that I need to get going, and to finish projects that are lingering around the house, too. Last year we made over a room in our house to be a guest bedroom. Best decision ever! Have a look at it, here!
This year, we are finishing our stairway, which has been in one way or another an unfinished mess for a few years now. I have grand plans for this space, but they aren’t possible right now, so in the meantime, we will do what we can to get it into shape, and in style. Since it is located in our entryway, that will be getting a little sprucing up as well.
I wish I could share a little more about the plans, but I am currently trying to finalize a few things, before I do. I’ll most likely share an updated post this week, so be on the lookout for that, and I hope you’ll check back in with us each week to see our progress, as well as my fellow NYNR Refresh Challenge Participant’s progress on their spaces! Be sure to click the links below to see which spaces they will be taking on for the challenge. I hope y’all are as excited as we are!

Casa Watkins Living // Our Fifth House // Iris Nacole // My Eclectic Nest // This is Our Bliss // House of Hipsters // Once Upon a 1912 // The Happy Housie