A New to Us Game Table Makes The Space
Hey there, friends! Things here on the blog may feel a bit slow going after the New Year, New Room Challenge we participated in, in January, but we’re working on a lot behind the scenes. Did you see the reveal of our Guest Bedroom yet? Find it here if not.
It felt natural to nurture ourselves a bit once the guest bedroom was done. A big push to finish any space can be a bit exhausting. Especially when you are the designer, stylist, painter, installer, and construction crew. I’m so lucky that with a lot of the harder work, my husband lends a helping hand to get things done. I truly appreciate his participation in the growth of our home.
He’s always stepping in to be the pickup and delivery man of our Marketplace finds too! Recently he picked up this beautiful vintage table for me, that I found for a more than reasonable price, considering it makes the space, and I’ve been looking for one for over two years.

It came with two leaf extenders as well, so I could easily use it in a larger space if needed. Or maybe, one wonderful day, we will have enough people playing games with us that we will need to extend it in our family room! What a wonderful thought!
Our old table, from the Magnolia line at Target was just a tad larger than we needed for this corner of our family room, but it was all that was available at the time so we went with it. The larger chairs paired with it, while comfortable, only took up more space and we would find ourselves catching our feet on them as we walked past. Ouch! Also, to get out to the balcony we’d have to move them, which wasn’t a terrible chore, but it’s much nicer now that we don’t have to worry with it.
Once the new table was in place, I set out to find two new chairs to pair with it. I searched marketplace again, but had no luck, so I turned my search to new chairs, and found these woven seat beauties. They are just the right size to be out of the way, and comfortable at the same time. They came with seat cushions, but I wasn’t a fan, so I’m adding creating new ones to replace them with to my to-do list of sewing projects. You may see them in a year with the length of projects on that list. Ha!
We’re keeping the surrounding art, and lighting for now. I am on the lookout for a pendant light to hang above the table, instead of the sconce on the wall, but I haven’t found one that I’m in love with just yet. When I do, I’ll add an update about it. As for the art, I enjoy the quirky way it hangs on the wall, and may just add to the gallery instead of going another direction with it.
That’s the fun in decorating a home. It takes time to find all the “right” pieces, but once you start, you’ll see how your home reflects you more than copying any big designers or big box store ideas. The whole processes keeps me on my toes, and I live for it.