A Note From Home: A New-to-Me Work Station
I’ve mentioned previously that I’ve been searching for home furnishings at antique shops, vintage shops, and online resale sites. I’ve found so many great small items over the years, but it wasn’t until recently that I started looking for furniture pieces to add to my home. Well, it was worth the wait, because now that I’m ready, I’ve been finding all sorts of great pieces. Some that I can, and some that I can’t bring home. Mostly because I have no space for all of them, but when I do find the perfect item, it’s hard to get it out of my mind.
Sometime in the last two years, I started my search for a marble top table. I was going to add a small bistro style table to the corner of our living room, but I never found the right table, so I let that dream go. It wasn’t a few months later that I came across this beautiful marble top table on Facebook Marketplace. Would you believe we paid less than fifty dollars for it? We couldn’t pick it up fast enough!
Once we got it home, it sat in my office for a few months, until I figured out what we’d do with it. Once I did, we cleared a space for it in the living room. It’s the perfect spot to sit and work on a post, or plan for the week. I’ve decorated it with a few of my favorite decor pieces, and recently added a small table lamp, which I’m currently enjoying the warm light from as I write this post this morning. Exactly as I had hoped.
I’m still working on finding the perfect chair. It needs to be somewhat substantial, and though I like the chair I have shown here, also a FBMP find, it needs a bit of reworking to really shine. I may reupholster it, or create a slipcover, though I hate to cover the scrolled arms. I’ll certainly be on the lookout for a new chair while I scroll and browse in the future. I’m sure, like the table, it’ll be worth the wait.

Thanks for stopping by, friend.