Can it Be? Our First Flocked Tree!
Seriously! How could we have gone our whole lives without a flocked tree? I guess I always thought they were beautiful, but felt they were a bit messy, so I avoided them. After searching for the perfect new tree for our living room this year, and excluding flocked trees at first, I happened upon this one from Hobby Lobby while our looking for some craft supplies one day, and my search was done.
My Home Style Blog Hop: Christmas Tree Edition
Welcome friends! I know some of you are new to my blog, and are coming from Melaine’s blog, My Sweet Savannah for the My Home Style Blog Hop: Christmas Tree Edition. Her woodland themed tree was beautiful, wasn’t it! I’m really tempted to put a tree in our bedroom this year. We will see!
I can’t even remember how many years I have joined this wonderfully inspiring hop, hosted by my friend Stephanie of Casa Watkins Living, but every time has been a great experience. Stephanie has a talent of bringing talented people together to give her audience, and ours, a vast array of styles to enjoy and find inspiration from. Be sure to check back to Monday and Tuesday’s participants, before you end the blog hop for today!
Tree Style
Aside from this tree being our first flocked tree, this tree has left me stumped as to how to describe it. After all, it could be considered classic, but also rustic, but also eclectic. I challenging my husband to come up with a word to describe this tree style, and he came up with, “timeless”. I mulled it over on that one, and eventually came up with, “transitional”. So welcome to our transitional tree, friends! I hope you enjoy it!

Tree Selection
I wasn’t exactly sure how I was going to decorate the living room tree this year. For one, I had never decorated a flocked tree, and this one seemed like I could get away with using minimal ornaments, so I considered that route. However, like my husband says, I always start with a minimalist approach and then change my mind and pile on the ornaments. He knows me so well, since this is exactly how it went!
The process of collecting ornaments for this tree came about in a very organic way over a couple of months. To be honest, I was actually planning to use three different trees this year. You know the trio I’m referring to? The ones that stand at varying heights but aren’t too big and look great together? Well, that’s where I started, but it felt wrong, so I returned those trees and started the hunt for a new one. I’m so glad I ended up with the one you see!
Choosing Ornaments for Your Tree
The process of collecting ornaments for this tree came about in a very organic way over a couple of months. To be honest, I was actually planning to use three different trees this year. You know the trio I’m referring to? The ones that stand at varying heights but aren’t too big and look great together? Well, that’s where I started, but it felt wrong, so I returned those trees and started the hunt for a new one. I’m so glad I ended up with the one you see! A mixture of antique/craft store finds, with new big box store bought ornaments, and at-home hand crafted ornaments all came together to create this look, and I couldn’t be happier with it! Especially the hand crafted “aged iron” looking ornaments that I completed with my son. A memory I hope both of us keep fondly.
I like to mix shapes, sizes, and textures to add depth and interest to the trees I decorate. I think I’m getting better at it each year, which makes me excited for our tree next year, whatever it may be!
Have a look below for each type of ornament used on this tree. Hopefully it’ll give you an idea of how to mix ornaments yourself, if that something you struggle with currently.

Continue the Hop
Thanks for stopping by the blog today! I hope you’ll continue the hop, and visit my friend Ariel’s blog, PMQ for Two. Ariel is full of imagination, and shares great colorful and fun ideas. I just know you’ll enjoy her tree too! The rest of the participants are linked below, as well. We hope you’ll come back tomorrow to visit the new blogs posting their trees, and in the meantime start at the beginning of the hop, with Stephanie’s tree! Enjoy, friends!
Get the Look
I’ve done my best to find links to either the actual items used on my tree, or similar items for those that are not available anymore, if you’re interested in recreating this look, or have taken inspiration from it.

See all of our Holiday & Celebration posts here!
I love your new flocked tree and those ornaments are so beautiful. I like how most of them are matte and they seem so casual but sophisticated and your gift wrap is very cute! Yay for velvet ribbon. 🙂
Oh wow! It looks like real snow, so beautiful!
Iris this looks beautiful. So deliberate, and so inviting. I’ve always loved how ornaments look on a white tree because you can truly see them, and the same holds for flocked trees!
You added all my favorite colors at the moment. I’m just loving your tree so so much and was actually thinking of adding similar ones to my other big tree this year. Your tree is so gorgeous!
So beautiful!!!!! I was hoping to get on the flocked tree bandwagon this year. Maybe next year because this tree is ammmmmazing! Beautifully decorated and I’m so happy your back to the series!