Have a look at our spooky Halloween living room tour!
We’re soaking up all the fun Halloween has to offer this season, including outdoor movie nights around the firepit, featuring spooky movies, spooky stories from podcasts, Jack-O-Lantern carving, and our very own spooky Halloween decorations! Y’all know I look forward to this each year. It’s so fun to be creative in an out of the box sort of way. I finally decorated the living room, despite it being mid renovation, because I couldn’t wait any longer, but hey, that adds to the overall ambiance, so it’s fine.
As usual, Skelly is making an appearance. He’s been all over the house this year. Guess he finally figured out how to use those bones to get around!
I really enjoyed our decorations from last year, and wanted to decorate in the same vein this year, so I pulled out some of our existing decorations, and added a few new pieces to give it a fresh feel. I like to create a story when decorating, and holiday decorating is no different. I tend to pick up decor pieces that feel/look more realistic to give the overall scene a more natural vibe. This tends to be a fun hunt each year, for quality pieces in a very reasonable price point. Amazon, Michaels, Target and TJ Maxx are all great places to look for Halloween decor. Oh, and don’t forget to check out your local antique and thrift stores! It’s amazing all of the spooky things you can find at an antique shop. One year I want to buy a ton of old portraits to adorn my walls with during Halloween. I tend to get a vibe from them though, that keeps me from going for it. Haunted antiques anyone? Eek! Especially mirrors and portraits. There just so much life to those objects!
Along with Skelly, the crows seem to have taken over the living room, and they brought some creepy slithery friends with them. As long as they stay out of my way, I’m okay with it! Of course, practically speaking, I always prefer that my holiday decorations are things I’m willing to live with for at least a month. Meaning they need to be placed thoughtfully, as any other decorations. This allows me and my family to move about the space easily, while still enjoying them.
I have something exciting to share with you all in the near future, pertaining to this subject, so I’ll leave it at that until then. Scroll down, and explore our spooky Halloween decorations, and while you’re at it, if you’re inspired by any of it, be sure to check out the links below, to the products I used to create this scene.
Enjoy, friends!

What is the story with that creepy painting of women around the table??
Hey there! It’s art displayed on our Frame TV. It’s called, “The Potato Eaters” by Vincent Van Gogh. I read he wanted to depict the harshness of country life, so he used their hands and facial features to show it. It’s rather unique, I think! I change out the art displayed on our tv’s throughout the year, so it’ll be something new soon. Hope that answers your question. Take care!
You gave me so many great ideas for decorating my house this Halloween! I love the crows and the unique candles! My family is decluttering our house over the weekend and then we’re getting carpet cleaning. After that, we finally get to decorate for Halloween, and I’m so excited!
I’m so glad I could provide some inspiration for your decor! Have fun decorating!