Hello from Quarantine
What a few weeks it has been, for all of us I am sure. We hope you’ve been managing to stay safe, happy, and healthy. We’ve decided that staying home is the only way for our family to ensure that we’ve given our best effort at keeping ourselves safe, as well as those around us, so it’s been almost three weeks for us now. I thought it would be hard, but having been a stay-at-home mother, and homemaker for the last seven years, I think I somehow found my stride, and am not really missing our outings just yet, though I’d love a bowl of Chipotle, and a chocolate dipped cone from DQ! Honestly, I find comfort being surrounded by those that I love, and hope and pray that those that are not so fortunate, will remember that this is not forever. This will pass, and we will once again get out and enjoy each other’s company.
I know so much more is going on in the world for people to pay attention to, but I also know that a little bit of distraction is welcomed by many, including myself. How have you been keeping yourself busy these days? My husband is working from home. Something we are so fortunate to experience, and don’t we know it. We just completed our first week of home school, and other than the first twenty minutes where nothing in the packet sent to us to follow made sense, we’ve managed to figure our way through it, and complete each day with ease. It helps that my son is a great student, something I was never sure he would be with me, but heard time and time again from his teachers. We’ve also managed some tidying up around the house, only to completely mess it all up again with everyday living. Normally that would make me feel a bit insane, but I welcome it as a sign that we are still living, enjoying, and have the opportunity to do it all over again the next day. We go outside from time to time to get a little sun, and exercise. I’ve been on a weight loss journey, that has so far been successful. I was nervous that I may fall off the wagon during this quarantine, but it has actually brought me more encouragement to keep healthy, just in case.
Isn’t life so fragile? I went through a period in life recently that truly brought that realization to life for me. I wont go into detail, but I will say that I found great comfort in knowing that this has all been temporary anyways, with no one day guaranteed to me, and that one day I will rejoice in the heavens with the Lord. What we get to experience here on Earth is a privilege, and good or bad, it’s still living. What an opportunity! Some waste it, some take it full on, and some meander through it. This is a great time to think about who you want to be, and plan accordingly. No pressure though! I know during my experience, I thought about so many things, and went through so many different emotions before my big, “Aha!”, moment. You’ll probably do the same, as I am sure it’s only human to do so. And I have to say, had I not gone through what I have gone through, I would probably be a mess today. I am so amazed each time God reveals his reasoning to me. I am learning not to even ask, but to just trust that it will all make sense one day. That’s hard for a controlling personality like mine. Through therapy, I realized I like things spelled out and accompanied with thoughtful reasoning, in order to feel safe in my situation. I also learned that I can’t expect that to happen all the time, so my trust in God fills the gaps.
So much rambling in a post that I meant to be about day-to-day happenings, and a bit of decor, but I guess it has been on my heart to say it, so I have.
Friends, I pray for us all, that this will end soon. That we will come out of it as better people, and learn just how valuable each of us really are. We can do this! We will do this!

Samsung Frame TV

Vintage decor we’ve thrifted, or found at antique fairs, mixed with modern decor pieces.

New lighting, mirror, and fireplace decor.