I Finally Found It! -The Advantage of Waiting for the “Right” Piece for Your Home
After a year of waiting, I finally came across the perfect table to use in my home office. When I first started designing this space, a rustic table was my first choice. It didn’t have to be any particular table, just one that fit the description. As the design evolved, I found that instead of a rustic table, I wanted it to be a vintage wooden table . I knew it wouldn’t be easy to come by, but I knew that when I saw it, I’d know I found it. And that’s just what happened! Recently my husband and I were enjoying a day together, and ventured to a new-to-us, antique shop in town to see what it had to offer. Since we had our little pup with us, we decided it would be better if my husband stayed in the car with him, and I went in alone. Not exactly the plan, but we’ve done it before, so with nothing in particular in mind, I strolled through all the booths, finding piece after piece, at such great prices. At one point I came across the booth that housed the table. It caught my eye immediately. It didn’t have the leaves in it so it was much smaller looking, so I looked it over, considered it for another spot in our home, but the size was off for that spot, so I moved on. I ended up back at the booth, again looking at the table. It was just so pretty! That time I noticed the size of the table listed on the tag. It was much listed as a much larger table than what was in front of me. Thinking it was an error, or that I was missing something, I looked around the booth and noticed the four leaves leaning against another piece right behind the table. With all leaves installed, the table can be a little over ninety inches. I got excited at that point. I noticed it had been marked down from the original price, which was already very appealing, but the new price made it even more so. Especially for such a quality piece! I never talk price, but I will say, I’m very budget conscience, so you can imagine this was a great deal. I continued to look around at a few other pieces I had considered, and then left the store to talk to my husband about it. He got out, and had a look. He must have liked it too, because he came out to measure our vehicle to see if it would fit. Eventually we figured out that it would, so he went back in to purchase it.

One we got it home, we added a couple of the leaves to the table to extend the length to fit the office space. It was a bit wobbly with the leaves, since over the years, the dowels had been worn down, but it wasn’t an issue, and it was to be expected with a piece from the 1800’s. We opted to used brackets to keep the pieces together, since we don’t see the need for it to be smaller or larger at this point. They are under the table, and are a semi-permanent solution, so if ever they need to be, they are easily removed.

I couldn’t get it into the office fast enough! I needed to see it in the space, and once it was, I knew we had made the right choice. It’ll be used in the same way as the last, for crafts, sewing, and styling, but all will be done with much more care. I’m thinking about buying a clear plastic table protector to use during craft and sewing projects. It’ll give me peace of mind, and surely make those activities much more enjoyable.
The year wait was tolerable, and made finding the right piece that much more enjoyable. I recommend if you have an idea for something in your home that seems out of reach, give it time. So many people think home needs to be done in a day, but creating your home takes time. Enjoy it!