Liebster Award
I’m always humbled that anyone would be willing to take a moment of their time to visit my blog, so you can imagine how I felt when I found out that I was nominated for a Liebster Award from one of my fellow bloggers. Annie, the talent behind the amazingly wonderful lifestyle blog Zevy Joy, was kind enough to choose me as one of the bloggers she felt deserved this award. If you haven’t yet visited her blog, please do. Every post is captivating, and I always find myself inspired, whether it be a fashion post, a recipe, or a craft, that she is sharing. To top it all off, she is one of the sweetest people you’ll every come across.
I had seen the Liebster Award badge showcased on other blogger’s blogs, but I didn’t really know what it was all about until recently. I have come to find that it is a wonderful award that is awarded by bloggers to fellow bloggers. Nothing is better than peer recognition! The award is awarded to a new blogger, or one that has less than 1,000 followers, though I have also seen that a blogger can have less than 3,000 followers. Let’s just say it seem as though the rules are fairly flexible, which is nice, because it allows bloggers that may not get the recognition otherwise, to be showcased. One of the requirements of the award is to answer a series of questions provided by the presenter of the award. Once you complete these steps you then choose your own nominees for the award, and come up with questions for them as well. Also, it’s always nice to link back to the blogger that has nominated you to show your appreciation.
Here are the questions Annie provided for me to answer.
1.Why did you decide to start blogging?
I started blogging for a few different reasons. One being that I wanted a place to chronicle all of the goings on of our family. Being a new mom, every day seems to be a new experience, and always something that I want to document. Another reason I started blogging is because I was so inspired by all of the blogger’s I found through my Pinterest searches. So many people, with so much talent, sharing it all with the world. A lot of them got me through some grueling “new mommy” experiences, such as having a sleeping baby that has to be held for hours upon hours. Needless to say, I either napped, or searched Pinterest to kill time.
2. What has been your favorite post and why?
I think my Christmas Tour is my favorite so far. I put so much time into decorating the house for the holiday’s, and having the opportunity to be included on a blog hop was extremely exciting to me.
3. Who is behind the scenes of your blog?
I’d like to take full credit for everything you see, but my husband has been a wonderful partner in it all. I am responsible for all of the ideas (although I do consult with him about them), execution of , and all the photography, but if it weren’t for his beautiful mind, my thoughts would most likely appear as a bunch of gibberish. I always have him review my posts and edit them as he sees fit. I know I couldn’t do it without him.
4. What has been the biggest bonus of blogging for you?
The biggest bonus for me has been the connections I have made with so many wonderful and kind people. I have been a bit of a recluse since I have become a mother, but being able to share my world with others has been therapeutic. I’m not sure anyone really knows how much it means to me, because I don’t think it can be put into words just how much it does.
5. What is your favorite food?
Chipotle! That’s a food group right? I love to get a bowl with carnitas, rice, lettuce, cheese and sour cream. Cover that in the medium salsa, and you have one happy Iris on your hands. I’m sure that my consumption of Chipotle could keep one store open for at least a year. Ha ha, I’m not kidding.
6. What can always be found in your handbag?
Diapers! My handbag is my diaper bag, unless I’m going out alone, and even then my purse is supplied with diapers, because you just never know when you will need one.
7. What are you passionate about outside of blogging
Well since blogging covers my love of home décor, and family, I’d have to say that music is my other passion. Singing to be exact. About ten years ago I was touched by a Broadway performance (Wicked), or lack there of, since I went specifically to see the actress (Idina Menzel) in the role. She was injured during the matinée performance, and couldn’t perform that night. I was amazed at just how much her presence meant to the audience, and the reaction to the news of her injury was pretty amazing. People were crying, and consoling each other, and it dawned on me that singing wasn’t just singing, it was a sharing of souls. I always thought I had a good tone, and I had been told so by the very few people that had heard me, but I was always too shy to just let go and sing. After my experience that night I decided it was time to step out of my shell. I was a “closet singer” for years. I mean that literally. I sang inside my walk in closet, so that the clothes and walls would muffle the sound and not disturb our neighbors. At one point I started taking vocal lessons. My instructor did wonders for my confidence and knowledge of the art. We moved during that time, and I finally stepped out of the closet and started to sing without fear of people hearing me. Most of that time is documented on my YouTube channel. It’s quite fun to return to the site and listen to the growth in my voice. I have performed in a couple of local shows since. Those experiences will always hold a special place in my heart. I hope one day, I can return to the stage, and share my passion with people again. Until then I’ll be singing anywhere and everywhere I can.
8. What is your favorite movie and why?
Oh man, this is a hard question! I am a movie lover, and I can count on one hand how many movies I despise. I guess I’ll choose Moulin Rouge as my favorite movie. Why? Because it’s a musical, it’s whimsical, and tragic, and because “Come What May” is our wedding song.
9. What is one thing you have to have everyday?
I have to have a kiss and a hug from my two favorite guys. Love you John! Love you Rordan! XOXO
10. What have you used to help your blog succeed?
I haven’t actively sought out anything just yet, but I have been lucky to have found a wonderful group of Instagrammers that share a love of décor and family that have been. very supportive of this blog. That and maybe link parties that I enjoy linking up to. It’s funny because I never expect anyone other than the blog owner to even look at the link, but I’m always happy to see that others do. 🙂
11. Where do you see your blog in 5 years?
Wildest dreams five years, or reality five years? Wildest dreams, fairly mainstream, with inspiring content for others to enjoy, and maybe just maybe adding a bit of income to our one income family. Reality, still going, with a faithful following of family and friends, and with better content than I am able to provide today.
Wow! Who knew eleven questions could make you think SO much! Thank you Annie for thinking of me and my blog. I am forever grateful for the award.
Now it’s time for me to choose a nominee to award. I was lucky enough to have run across this blog after befriending one of its owners on Instagram. She and her sister-in-law run the blog together, and each provide beautiful images to look at as well as very informative “how to” posts. They are Chelsea, and Cate, of StyleMutt and they do amazing things with old run down furniture. Their process of restoration, and their eye to make them new and appealing is something to admire. They deserve all their success, and I wouldn’t be surprised if they were superstars in the restoration world very soon. Ladies, here are eleven questions I’ve come up with for y’all to answer. You can choose to answer the questions individually, or as a team. Either way, I hope you enjoy the process as much as I have. Please choose a deserving blogger to nominate once you have completed your questions, and pass the love and recognition on.
1. What made you decide to start a blog?
2. Who came up with the blog name StyleMutt?
3. What was the first piece you ever restored?
4. What’s your favorite piece so far?
5. Do you pick out your furniture together?
6. What inspires you the most about your blogging partner?
7. What is your favorite post so far?
8. Where do you find the pieces you work on?
9. Do you have any formal training in restoration?
10. What do you like to do in your down time?
11. Where do you see your blog in five years?
Hi Courtney! It’s under “kiwiphan” on YouTube. It’s really interesting to listen to the first songs and compare them to the last. I hope you hear the growth as much as I do. Eep! I really believe that anyone can sing. Like everything else, you just need to understand the mechanics of it all and then just let go.
Ok now I need to check out this youtube channel! How can i find it? I have zero musical or singing ability so I admire those who do!!! Love this!!
Iris, I loved reading your responses to these questions! Regarding question 11, I think you offer fantastic content today and hope you know how inspiring you are! I’ve really been enjoying your blog and getting to know you better! Thank you so very much for the nomination! Cate and I are so humbled by your thoughtfulness and regard of our blog. We’ll give these ?s some thought and post soon! XO
Thank you so much, Chelsea! I never thought anyone would read my blog so the fact that you are and on top of that, are being inspired by it really makes it all worth it. Im positive you two are amongts the most talented people I’ve run across, and just know y’all argoing to make it big! I’m excited to read y’alls responses to the questions!