My Work Was Featured in The Wall Street Journal!

Hi friends! I mentioned in my last Halloween decor post that I had some exciting news to share on the subject, and here it is! The Wall Street Journal reached out to me for an interview concerning “chic” Halloween decorating, and requested to feature a photo from my Halloween tour last year. What an honor! Of course I said yes, and the process was exciting, and thought provoking, felt like a whirlwind, and in all, one that I’d be happy to experience again. It turns out, not only is the article online, but it ended up in print too! There’s something so satisficing about seeing your work featured in another form of media.
I’ll link the online article here, for those of you that are interested in reading it. It’s an opinion piece, so of course there are like-minded quotes, as well as opposing quotes, and I love to hear from all sides, especially when it’s handled with integrity. You may even be able to pick up a copy and see it in print! It’s the weekend edition October 16-17th.
Thank you to everyone who has heard the news, and reached out, and to everyone new to the blog and/or my Instagram account, I am so happy this article has brought us together. I look forward to exploring interior decorating with you all!
One final thank you, in case they ever come back to my blog. To the team at The Wall Street Journal that reached out to me, and interviewed me. You all made the experience very enjoyable, and I truly appreciate it. Keep up the great work!
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