One Room Challenge: Week 4
Oh boy! It’s week four and I feel like I haven’t accomplished much, which is leaving me a bit panicked. Would you believe I had visions of having this space complete by week four and sitting back and relaxing for the last two? Ha! I don’t have too much left to do, but with so many other projects going on around here, I feel like I have little time to really dedicate to the space. I’m not a quitter though, so I’m pushing forward, determined to get it all done in time for the week six reveal.
Here’s what I did get done though!
I cut the trim to place around the cabinets, and liquid nailed it to the planked wall. To keep it up and in place while drying I used painters tape. Worked like a charm!
Looks pretty good, huh? Once this was done, I caulked the seams, and painted. That’s my least favorite part of any DIY project. Caulking I mean. It’s always such a mess!
Ah, so pretty! I realize I still have to paint the inside of the upper cubbies, but I couldn’t find our little handheld vacuum, and didn’t want to have to pull the larger one up to do the job, so I’ll be on the hunt for that darn little thing for the next few days. The painting shouldn’t take long, so I’m not worried about it.

Lowe’s-Formica Brand Laminate 48-in x 96-in Calacatta Marble 180FX-Etchings Laminate Kitchen Countertop Sheet Item #: 144739 | Model #: 3460-46-48X96-000
And last but oh so not least, we got our laminate sheet in! It’s just as pretty in person as it is in the photo. Wish me luck in cutting it to size and getting the counter top installed this week!
So you see, I didn’t get much done, but it’s all a step in the right direction! I’m still having trouble picking out lighting for the space, mostly because of the “big project” we have coming up soon. I want to make sure that whatever I choose for that really works well with this room. I might end up getting something pretty generic for in here just to avoid having to keep the overhead fluorescent lighting that we currently have. I guess we will see what I do next week, because time is running out to get it ordered, delivered and installed before the big reveal. Eep!
So let’s see what I can cross off my to-do list….
Decided on a paint color and paint the room.
Build, paint and install the cubbies along with crown molding.
Install a hanger rack. (I HAVE IT BUT HAVE TO INSTALL IT STILL!)
Build or buy a drying rack and install it.
Install the plank wall detail and paint it.
Decide which countertop I want to go with and either build or order it.
Install lower cabinet.
Choose a light for the space. (We are still unsure if we want to keep or replace the current light fixture.)
Find decor for the room and decorate.
Woah! I didn’t get to cross anything off! I had better get to it then! Thanks for following along!
Until next time!
It looks great so far. Can’t wait to see the final reveal!
This space is looking AWESOME!!! Love the planked wall and counter! It is going to be so beautiful!
Can’t wait to see this room finished, Iris! Good luck installing the laminate counter–I’m sure it will turn out beautifully!
Liking what I see! Great job so far!
It’s looking amazing! Love the counters!
I love where you are going with this room, I really can’t wait to see the final reveal!
Thank you so much Roxanne! I’m anxious to work on all the products this next week! I think Sunday will be a day full of DIY’ing in my house!
It looks amazing!
Aw, thank you Erin!!
I can see this looking amazing already, Iris. Good luck on Week 5! By the way, that laminate sheet looks so realistic!
Doesn’t it?!?!?!?! I’m really excited to work on it this week! Cross your fingers for me!
I am already insanely jealous of your space, Iris!
Oh thank you Heather! Honestly, it’s nothing you couldn’t do too! The projects so far have been fairly easy and low costs. I think I need to share that info more in my posts to really motivate y’all to try them yourself! 🙂
Oh, I love a planked wall! And a combo of white plus marble. It’s going to be a soothing space! I haven’t actually done anything but make purchases for my studio makeover yet, so two weeks is freaking me out!
It is looking so clean and crisp! Good luck getting everything done in the last 2 weeks!!!
I’m having so much fun following along with all of the other laundry room projects! I love that countertop you chose – it’s going to look great!
Iris, you always amaze me with your eye for design and your DIY! I love the laminate sheet and taking note on how you do all of this because I would never know how or attempt to try to cut it myself. 🙂 Hats off to you my friend! This is going to look amazing! Let’s do this! XOXO, Sarah
Iris your cabinets are amazing! It’s even more gratifying when you do it all yourself. Loving the countertop. It’s funny I told my hubs yesterday that I wanted to remove the machine drawer risers that he worked so hard to place.m 3 years ago. I want a countertop and am now requesting the beautiful piece you picked out. FUTURE PROJECT!!
Iris it’s looking so great so far! I can’t wait for the finished product! Hasn’t the first 4 weeks really snuck up on us?