A Pantry Makeover: Progress Report
Well, some of y’all may have noticed I didn’t get around to sharing any updates on this makeover for the One Room Challenge last week. Honestly, it was because I didn’t have anything to share with y’all regarding it, and I didn’t want to waste your time. I mean, I did a lot around the house, just nothing with the pantry. Actually, you can see one of my projects in the background of one of the pictures below. I built new shutters for our back porch! I’m so excited to hang them, but I have to get my butt to the store to get the right type of screws. That should happen sometime in the next year. Haha!
I’m happy to report that we have gotten some work done in the pantry recently! We’re almost finished y’all! All that stands between us is paint and building a countertop, and we are already working on one of the two. With as many nails as I used to put up the tongue-n-groove we had some work to do to fill them all before painting. The whole family squeezed into this space and got to work over the weekend. The cutest thing ever is watching a little one help on a home project!
I mean, can you even see all those holes?!??! Luckily I’m a master at filling them, and we finished that part up pretty quickly with the three of us working on it. We have yet to sand it all down, but I think I’ll be getting around to that in the next couple of days since I want to paint it all before the weekend.
And here’s the part that took the most effort. The base of our countertop. I had to carefully tape off the stained areas so that I could paint the frame, which I’ve decided that if I had to do it all over again I’d paint the frame before adding in the stained pieces. That’s the beauty of a DIY project. You learn something from each of them to make the next time even better.
I have one more section to finish, and then I’ll be on to the next thing. For now, we’re living with everything piled into our dining room, and I’m itching to get it all back in order. Wish us luck that we finish this in time to share for the big reveal (week six) of the One Room Challenge!
Until next time!
Don’t forget to check in with the other participants projects over on the ORC website. Click the picture below to be taken to the site. Enjoy!
Where is the light fixture from? I’m thinking of tearing out my pantry with bifold doors. I didn’t know what I’d do about walls though because I didn’t want to drywall. Bead board could work, right? I’m a lone DIY’re sometimes until hubby comes on board! 😂
Hi Joyce! You can find the light I’m using in this space on Wayfair.com. I should have an affiliate link to it in my post. Honestly, I’m not sure bead board would work without drywall, only because it’s so thin and I think you could tear through it quite easily. Honestly I don’t have much experience with that sort of thing, other than our mini mudroom makeover where a contractor tore out an old niche and used boards instead of drywall to create the surround. They were at least 3/4″ deep though so they mimic the drywall itself. I bet if you look into it a bit more on google you’ll find a good answer. I usually find my answers there or on Pinterest or YouTube. I bet whatever you end up doing will be great! Have fun with it! 🙂