Halloween: Spooky Scary Skeleton Games
It’s spooky season, and we woke up to Skelly and a group of skeleton friends enjoying a game of poker at our game table. I mean, they didn’t even knock to see if they could come in, but it looks like they are having a good time, so we’ll allow it. The game looks like it has been pretty interesting. Skelly, Mr. Bones, and Spider seem to be in the throws of a really good game, though by the looks of it, Mr. Bones isn’t faring well. Looks to me like they are choosing to play with bones, and not chips or cash, and Mr. Bones seems to be all in on this round! Let’s have a look at their hands to see who won!

Spider doesn’t seem to have anything of value….

Mr. Bones too…ou-oh! This may not fare well for him depending on Skelly’s hand.

Skelly has a royal flush! Skelly wins!!

Sorry, Mr. Bones! Maybe next time! Mwahahahahahahahahaha!

Hope this brought you a good laugh, friends! Enjoy spooky season!