One Room Challenge-Week 6-Laundry Room Reveal
Welcome friends!
Six long short weeks ago I set out to revamp my Laundry Room. It has been quite the journey, but seeing the room transform has made all the hard work worth it! I was surprised to find that making over such a small space could be as much work as making over a whole room, like my home office that I tackled for the Spring 2015 One Room Challenge. Maybe I’m a bit busier this time of year? Maybe we all are and that makes it seem like the days are flying by?
Whatever the reason, I honestly couldn’t have gotten this Laundry Room done without the help of my husband, John. Sure we bickered during the process, show me a real couple that never does, but we always made up and usually laughed about it later. I have to say, he really stepped out of his comfort zone to help me. I think he might have found that he is more talented than he thought he was when it comes to DIY’ing, too. He may have even cemented himself as my “go-to” handyman from now on, which I’m sure he is loving to hear right about now. Haha! He’s also my biggest supporter, always cheering me on, and motivating me to keep at it. I just adore him for it all.
I’d also like to thank Linda of Calling it Home for organizing this event for all of us to enjoy. It is a major undertaking, but she does it so well!
If you are just joining us and would like to catch up on all that’s been going on follow the links below.
Week 1/ Week 2/ Week 3/ Week 4/ Week 5
Okay, no more delays!
Remember the plan?
And what it looked like before?
Here it is now!
I’m amazed at what a few in-stock cabinets, and some DIY projects can turn into! I now have a space to fold laundry, which is the most exciting outcome from this makeover for me. The fact that we made the countertop ourselves makes it even more special. Is it perfect? Heck no, but it was made with love!
Of course, getting to style this space is my favorite part of the process. These cute and inexpensive jars that I found at HomeGoods serve as the perfect containers for those everyday laundry items such as dryer sheets, but makes seeing them much more pleasing to the eye. They sit atop a box we made to cover the hookups and outlets that were such an eyesore in this space. It’s easily removed, though I hope we don’t have to do that very often.
And I have space to hang garments again! The clutter on the wire rack that was in here before never allowed for a clear and dedicated space to do so.
This 2-Section Butterfly Hamper from The Container Store, easily folds up and hangs on the wall when not in use. I’m thinking it’ll probably find its way to the ground more often than not, but it’s nice to have the option.
And now we have a space to hang a laundry bag for each of us! We needed this, trust me! I always find Rordan’s clothes with mine. Maybe that’s because John usually does his laundry in one load. Let’s just say he’s a bit tidier than I am. Eep! My clothes usually get strewn about the rooms, and of course, since I’m at home with Rordan all day, every quick change ends up joining them. I’m not really proud of it, but it’s something I’m hoping to work on very soon.
I purchased this art and these hooks months ago from HomeGoods knowing that they would be perfect for the laundry room. I think it was right!
In my effort to keep this space tidy, I added a small waste basket to put dryer sheets, and other random things into. I’m not sure why we never had one in the room before, because we were always having to walk out of the room and into the pantry to get to our main trashcan.
The cute little bowl was a find from The Container Store, and when I saw it I didn’t even have a reason to get it other than that I thought it was adorable and that I needed in my life. Haha! When I was pulling everything together today it caught my eye, and its purpose hit me. It can hold those random coins that end up on our pockets, and into the laundry.
This space wouldn’t look like this if it weren’t for the purchase of our new washer and dryer last Spring. I’ve always wanted front loading units even though I’ve read terrible things about them. I love them, and we haven’t had any issues with ours yet, so I’m crossing my fingers we end up in the minority of owners and come out unscathed.
More coastal vibes….
…and some pretty knobs. Installing these knobs was about the be the death of us. Let’s just say we had to get creative, or you’d be looking at a drawer with a screw instead of a knob. LOL! Thankfully John had a great idea that ended up working out!
The baskets in the cubbies above the cabinets are going to store those rarely used items that were always taking up space on the old wire rack. Being as short as I am, I’ll have to use our step ladder to get to them, but I don’t see that being an issue.
So that’s about it!
I really hope you enjoyed the makeover and got some ideas for your own space. I guess it can serve as proof that no matter what size laundry room you have, you can make it work by making wise decisions about utilizing the available space. In our case we worked up to take advantage of the height of the room. I always say it when I complete a project, but I couldn’t be happier!
Thanks for joining us for the big reveal friends!
Now head on over to Calling it Home to see the rest of the great room makeovers being shared! I know I am!
Design/Styling/Photography By: Iris Watts
DIY Countertop, Hookup/Outlet Box Cover, and Cubbies built by: Iris Watts & John Watts
Cabinets-Lowe’s Arcadia In-Stock Cabinets
DIY Countertop-Formica Brand Laminate Calacatta Marble Sheet with a base of MDF
Coastal Art-HomeGoods
See more One Room Challenge room reveals below!
Your laundry room looks AMAZING! What a difference. Your one-room challenge pictures are inspiring me to improve the spaces around my house. Beautiful!
Could you kindly provide instructions on how you made the counter top ? It is absolutely genius !! Our next project is our poorly designed laundry room ,which like yours has 2 doors that almost touch each other when opened . Our plan is to remove the wall leading into the garage and borrow 4 ft . in order to gain space as well as correct the door issue .I will use your make over as a guide !!! Wish me luck .
Thanks for sharing !
P.S. luckily I too have a “handy man ” hubby on board !
It looks great! I would highly recommend building up the center cabinet to support the countertop and prevent sagging. Either by adding to the top of the cabinet or adding a taller toekick. I really love all the storage and especially the knobs.
Thank you Stacie! We actually built a base for the counter-top that should hold it up solid, but in due to time constraints we hadn’t attached it correct when I took the picture. It was one of the biggest concerns, since we would have hated to do all that work and have it sag soon after. I found those knobs at HomeGoods for a steal. If you have one near, keep an eye out for some! 🙂
That is a beautiful washer and dryer you have, and it’s cool that you designed your new laundry room after them. I like that you put a counter over them, which makes actually putting things on them viable, so they don’t just get shaken off. I hope that the new room works out for you!
Iris! This is amazing. I love all of it. You are very sweet, thank you for the lovely comment. I can not believe that you made the countertops. Bravo!
Thank you so much Linda! I can’t believe it has taken me this long to get back to you! I’ve been SO busy! I’m brainstorming for the Spring ORC already. I can’t wait to share something then!
This laundry room is to die for. Gorgeous! You have such a beautiful blog.
Much love,
Erica from Designing Vibes
Thank you so much Erica! 🙂
What a great space! Y’all knocked it out of the park. I also did our laundry room, and you’re right, it can be so much more work than expected !
Beautiful laundry room…..I say every ORC that I am going to give mine a makeover and never do it! You have given me inspiration! Congrats to your and your husband for all of your hard work!
Thank you! I took a poll last Spring to figure out what room I should tackle, and everyone wanted me to do the laundry room. I really needed to get my office done first, but I knew I’d participate again, and take on the laundry room. I’m so glad I did! After only a few days we’ve done so much laundry with ease I couldn’t be happier! 🙂
Iris, this laundry room looks beautiful! You did such a great job. I love the box that hides the cords/plugins. Keeping that in mind for the future for sure. Love the white cabinets an coastal decor. Beautiful counter top. I would love to doing laundry in your room…can I come over? ;-). Congrats!
Thank you Tiffany! That box was a pain to figure out. I wanted to make it so that the front part would open up like a door so that I wouldn’t have to remove the entire thing, but we couldn’t find the perfect hinges for that in time. Instead we just nailed two pieces of MDF boards together, and I added trim to the front and painted it. Took about an hour for it all once we got the plan in motion. 🙂
Wow! Your before was actually pretty amazing but holy cow that’s a laundry room of my dreams!
Thank you so much Corinna! I’m really glad you like it! Honestly, I had about six months to really sit and think about what I wanted out of the space before having to do it, so maybe that’s why I’m so satisfied.
Love what you’ve done! Everything has its place and its presentable. What’s your counter made of?
Thank you Debbie! The plan worked out! No more cluttered shelving. It’s all nicely packed away now inside the cabinets and cubbies. To save money we made the countertop using a sheet of formica laminate, and sheets of MDF cut down to size. You can avoid the DIY part and purchase it from Lowe’s or Home Depot though. You just need to speak with a kitchen designer at either location and they should be able to help you. 🙂
I am in love with your laundry room!! All that organization you added is perfect, and is that a marble counter top? Ahh, I LOVE it!
Thank you so much Jenny! The countertop is actually made out of MDF and a sheet of Formica Laminate that looks like marble. Crazy right?! Costs us about $100 to make. $150 if you add in the tool we purchased, but still quite a bit less than what was quoted to us by the big box stores to have one made and installed for us.
Absolutely beautiful!!! Your laundry room is perfection!!! You and your hubs did a great job! If you don’t mind- may I ask where you found the thin cabinet/drawer in between the washer and dryer, please? Thanks so much! 😊
Thank you Tiffany! The cabinet is from the same line as the upper cabinets. We found them at Lowe’s. They are in-stock cabinets called Arcadia. They are reasonably priced, and if you catch them on sale, they are even more so!
This is amazing! It’s EXACTLY what I want to do in our laundry room, and it looks like your space is almost identical to ours. I love the roll out cabinet…that’s genius! Beautiful job!
As Kelly said, everything a laundry should be – bright and clean! and I was so happy to see you give so much credit and appreciation to your husband. Where would the ORC be without these supportive partners?!
There should be a magazine feature of laundry rooms in the future with all these fantastic transformations by the participants.
Wowzers…what a change! You have made a BEAUTIFUL laundry area! I love the soft palate and those marble counters are to die for. I also love the natural elements and your styling is on point. Lovely job!!!
Thank you so much Christine! I really appreciate your attention to detail. I’m the same way, so it’s nice to see that it was picked up on. 🙂
Your design is perfect and right up my alley! So smart how you laid out the upper cabinets with the rod for hanging clothes in between. Want to come make over mine? 🙂
Haha! I’d love to, if you give me a few months to recover from this one..:) So glad you like it! 🙂
Okay next one room challenge needs to be my laundry room. To crisp and clean, love it!
It’s a dream come true for us. The space before was just a mess that neither of us enjoyed walking through. Now we both seem to be in an out, without running into something, and our attitudes are much better because of it. Crazy how those little things can really make an impact!
Pretty with storage! Can’t ask for anything better. Great job!
LOL! That’s what I think too! Glad you like it!
What a fresh looking laundry room! I love the cabinets and all of the pretty storage. Well done! It’s amazing how much work can go into a six week project, isn’t it? And how fast the time flies by – I can’t believe it’s come and gone already!
Oh my goodness! Seriously! I thought taking on a room three times this size was a chore, so making over this little space was supposed to be easy. I guess with all of the life events going on it made it a bit more stressful than it actually would have been. I’ll have to remember that for next fall!
Congratulations to you both on giving yourselves such a great, customized laundry room. Your skills and determination are clear to see. Well done you! Cheers, Ardith
Thank you so much Ardith!
Wow – So much more functional AND pretty now. Love all the new storage!
Thank you so much Melissa! The storage is my favorite part. It’s actually organized!!!
Wow! This is an amazing transformation! I can’t even believe this is a laundry room. So much better than the previous room. I love the star art for hanging!!!
Thank you Zan! I found the starfish hooks about six months ago, and have been waiting to use them in this space. Love them!
Oh mamma mia, I have a major case of laundry room envy! This one is everything a laundry room should be – clean, crisp, and super organized. Congratulations on a job well done!
Thank you so much Kelly! It’s a dream come true for us!
This is an absolutely stunning laundry room! I love all of the details, from the white cabinets and the glass knobs to the jars. You’ve done an amazing job!!!
Thank you so much Teresa!! I really appreciate you noticing those details!
What a beautiful transformation!! The counter and hanging racks were such a good idea! I know when I did the ORC last year it was amazing how fast the weeks fly by. Your hard work paid off!
Thank you Amanda! Without those two things this space wouldn’t work for me. I “needed” them to be included or it wouldn’t have been worth it.
It looks fantastic! Very beautiful space. I have a front loading washer and dryer and have not had any problems with them in over 2 years, so I think (and hope) you will be okay! Great job!
Thank you for sharing that info with me Lindsey! It’s a good thing to hear since I really convinced my husband that those are the ones we needed in our lives. LOL! I really wanted that counter space, and knew it would be hard to get with top loading units. 🙂
Wow, what a great transformation! I am amazed at what a beautiful space you made out of the laundry room – it’s so clean and polished!
Thank you so much Kevin!!
This is outstanding! What a transformation, I love it!
Thank you Holly! I’m glad you like it!
Love how this laundry room turned out! That countertop is gorgeous, and everything works so well together!
Thank you so much! I really enjoyed y’all’s transformation as well!
Iris, I love seeing what you do and you always inspire me! Such a pleasure to be in ORC again and to see this space be transformed over the 6 weeks! I wish I had this beautiful laundry room! You know I love coastal and all your details to make this room feel chic! BRAVO my friend on a job well done! XOXO, Sarah
Aw thank you friend! Your continued support always gives me that extra push to keep going. I really appreciate it! I have to say, your space turned out to be exceptionally beautiful! Great job!
This laundry room is perfection! I SO want to give mine a makeover after seeing this!!
Hi Roxanne! I’m so glad you like it! If you ever do start that project, let me know. I’d love to follow along!
Wow! I love this bright and lovely laundry. I feel like I would actually want to do laundry which is quite a stretch:) Congrats on a beautiful space!
Thank you Grace! I am in no way shape or form a lover of doing laundry, but this space has made it a job. Even my husband has commented on how much he loves it!
Looks fabulous! So bright and cheerful!
Thank you friend! 🙂
Your built ins are absolutely beautiful Love this space. Now if only my laundry room looked like this…perhaps then I would be more motivate to actually do the laundry! 🙂
Thank you Tammy!They were such an easy project to complete. Few boards of MDF, my Kreg Jig, and some wood screws is all it took. It’s something I think everyone can do, honestly! 🙂
Iris you knocked it out of the park! This is G-O-R-G-E-O-U-S! I am so jealous. The white and airy look is perfect for a laundry space. I seriously have the worlds ugliest laundry closet I can not wait for the day I can make it pretty. Waiting for the washer and dryer to break first since I am not working with a pretty room and ugly machines. Just curious do you have windows in your laundry room?
Looks Amazing!! Love all the little touches. You’ll enjoy it much more!
I love this, iris! It’s absolutely beautiful! Well done!
Iris, this is amazing! All of your hard word has definitely paid off, it’s gorgeous. I’m so proud for you! Hugs, CoCo
Iris!!!!! It looks amazing! You are so talented!
Every detail is perfection. I would tell you what I love the most but its all so beautiful that I can’t choose.
My laundry area looks super sad right now…
Thanks so much for the motivation. Your blog is by far my favorite 🙂
Yay for beautiful new laundry rooms! I love how yours turned out…so many perfect details!
This is absolutely lovely!! Bright and fresh and practical! 💕. Job so well done!
Girl you are soooooo talented! I love everything about this transformation, even to the small detail of the knobs! Beautiful job and I bet you enjoy doing laundry more now! 🙂
Iris, it’s beautiful!! Love every detail. What a lovely space:)
Your new laundry room came out beautiful! I bet it makes doing laundry a lot less painful :). Those cabinets really make such a difference to this space. Love that rug too. Congratulations!
I LOVE your laundry room!!! It is so serene. Beautiful job!
It’s gorgeous, Iris! You and your husband did an amazing job and should be proud of yourselves. The counter is beautiful and you’ve made everything so functional. I know you’ll enjoy doing laundry so much more in the new room. Well done!
Thus tiruned out beautiful! I love how brighten it is, great idea for the space. That countertop and the wall are both stunning. I love all of the warm toned accents of the baskets. You did a beautiful job!